
Posts Tagged ‘social network‘

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Black Friday is on November 25, a worldwide event that you can not forget about if you have a local business. Cyber ​​Monday is the Monday following Black Friday and companies created it to persuade people who had not been able to take advantage of Black Friday to make purchases online. This year, Christmas shopping […]

A Marketing Plan is a plan that serves as a tool to raise the marketing strategies of a company, business or person, defining its objectives, target customer, its value proposition and its business model. The biggest mistake that a company’s marketing managers make when entering social networks is not giving it the same value as […]

Social networks are an effective tool to measure the social thermometer, they are great to find out which are the day to day topics, which are the ones that are of interest to people, and also allows to easily monitor topics and to know the opinions of the audience in real time. Communication professionals have […]

Every social network strategy needs to be clear about the objectives. Without clear objectives, you simply can not advanced. You need to look carefully at the needs of your brand or business and decide how social networks will help meet those needs so you can work around that. Identify your potential customers and make the […]

In this year it is important that your brand is present in social networks, no matter if it is recognized or not. Social networks were created to eliminate these barriers in human interactive networks, to facilitate communication anywhere in the world and also as a long-term business. Social networks are an increasingly useful tool for […]

They call it “the social network of immediacy”. It is a mobile application from Twitter that can be downloaded for free on Android and iOS. It lets you record with your smartphone and transmit a live video on Twitter. When you record live, your Twitter followers receive a notification and can access the video, comment […]

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